Sunday, November 6, 2011


So how about a month later...I'm finally writing. *sigh* I told you I am a work in progress :o)

Well I decided before I get into what I have been working on, (because even though I haven't been writing, doesn't mean I haven't been doing!) I thought it would be first good to give glory to God for everything he's done in my life. I know many people don't believe in God, and my testament is not a entry to turn non believers into believers. It's soley to encourage anyone who is a believer that God moves and having faith makes wonders.  People who aren't believers...I suppose believe in different ways of life. Things are a big coincidence. My story today is to tell you MY LIFE IS PLANNED TOO PERFECTLY TO BE A COINCIDENCE. And I'm giving some main examples in this entry.

I have always said since I was little my life was going to be special. Don't know how...that's going to manifest, but I still believe it. I KNOW God has a purpose for me and I'm pretty sure it's going to be helping other people.

My first real talk to God, was when my adoptive mother was sick with cancer. I believe I was about 10th or 11th grade. I saw my mother suffering and as she struggled with cancer for years at this point. I knew her time was nearing. But I begged God. "Lord- I know your going to take her. But please, take her from me ONLY when you know I will be able to do it without her."

My mom died about 13 days before I graduated from high school. God had answered me. I know God had answered me, because I wore a necklace of a cross to my high school pre-graduation ceremony and awards. I would rub it, and pray to God that I hope my mom can see me. Our school did a random drawing for scholarships. I know God answered me because of all the students at my school, my name was pulled. I also won several other scholarships I applied for. I remember paying my bill for undergraduate degree. It was a whopping $37.00.

Well moving on-- I then prayed about getting my masters. Me and my then boyfriend (hubby now) decided to take the plunge and move to SC together. I prayed to God, because I had no idea why I was being taking there and how we were going to survive. Well long story short, God answered me. I had a interview 2 days after we moved to SC that I got arranged PRIOR to even moving. I got that job, even though I had no experience and no knowledge of that job.

Moving on-- my biggest answer from God, was about my masters. I was blessed with an amazing job that paid really well. I sort of started feeling like maybe my masters in counseling wasn't the job for me. Entertained the idea of getting an MBA, although I was 1/2 through my curriculum. The biggest thing deterring me from continuing my masters in counseling was the internship and practicum. I prayed to God. I couldn't afford to not work (and lose such a great job) and my internship would require me to complete an 40 hour week for months. I had no place to intern at.  My internship period was approaching in January. I had made plans to switch my major.

God answered me. In November 2009 my job laid me off. I knew it was coming so I had miraculously had a job interview scheduled for later that afternoon. Because my job laid me off and I was able to get a waitress job, I applied for internship at DSS. I was accepted, and it was the best experience for me. I was able to work an 40 hour week and waitress in the evenings and weekends. For things to work that was only God.I know my destiny is in counseling and/or working with troubled people.

I have many other testimonies but those are some of the biggest ones. And when I start to feel like 'What the hell am I doing?" I just know that God is guiding me. Because I have a destiny to fulfill.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week 1: Beginning my journey

Here it is. I'm starting fresh. My walk with Jesus begins. I like the term Jah. Heard my big brother use it and it sounds refreshing.

The purpose of this blog, is to help understand, teach, express, learn, and encourage my spiritual growth with God. I'm trying to get closer to him. Closer than I've ever been. And remain somewhat consistent in this process. That's why I believe blogging about my experiences will help me visually see my growth while at the same time giving me an opportunity to voice frustrations and document testimonies over this period of time.

This will be my personal spiritual growth journey. I'm excited.

I work for a company that licenses and supervises foster parents who take in foster children with behavioral diagnosis. Well in my job we give care plans to our clients. Care plans list the issues the client is struggling with, the goals, and the interventions to be used to gain the goals. As weird as it sounds, I need to take this idea of a plan of care with my spirituality growth.

Now I have many issues...but the main issues I really really really want to see progress, even if it's a little progress are:
  1. Building my faith
  2. More giving / caring about others
  3. Learning and applying basic principles from the bible to my life, especially when needed.
Those are the simple goals my plan of care consists of. Now-- also in my job we do check up's with our foster parents to see how our client's are doing. Weekly phone contact is a must to see how the child is doing with their goals. For this purpose- I would LOVE to blog each night about an experience for the day and how I handled it, or didn't handle it. But I know myself. And I'm not gonna make the mark so high it's depressing. But I will attempt to make at least weekly contact, writing a blog entry at LEAST once a week. And I want to document some issues I struggled with during that week and things I've used to help get through them (words from my pastor's sermon, Joyce Meyers pod casts, songs I like, bible verses, etc)

Also-- we have quarterly reviews with our clients. We do reviews every 90 days to see how the client's overall progression with their goals. And annually we do a reformulation. Seeing what need's to be adjusted. I'd like to do the same thing. This whole principal seems stupid, but hey- it's what I need to do to stay close to him. And at this time I've realized I need him more than ever.

I think this blog will be a great testimony of my struggles as a normal person. I'm not big on religion, but I think it's SOOO utterly important to have a personal relationship with God. And I guess I'm not afraid to document my journey publicly, I'm not a perfect person and I don't expect judgment to be passed in my documented mistakes. In fact-- I dare anyone to try this with me. You don't have to open a blog. But whenever you come across a post--maybe that will inspire, encourage, and even challenge you as a person to grow stronger in your spirituality as well.

God bless--