Wednesday, March 20, 2013


There is a song I come across on Pandora 'Mary Mary' station...unsure of who it is by, but the song is called Grateful. When I first heard this song, it did something to my heart...almost like unlocked it. Releasing thanksgiving and joy from my heart. The song is quite slow and the choir purposely slowly speak the lyrics as to ensure we are comprehending and embedding the thoughts in our own minds. My favorite line is the 'I could go on and on...about your words, because I'm grateful grateful grateful just to praise you Lord, flowing from my heart, are these issues my Gratefulness."

This song helps me to focus on the good in my life. Sometimes when it seems nothing is working right, everything is falling apart and I'm have no idea how to get out of this wilderness...I listen to this slow ever reminding song about being grateful. The choir at one point repeats grateful, so many times that not only do you begin singing it almost hypnotizing trance but also just long truly stop and think about what all you have to be grateful for. And just being grateful enough to allow those things to flow from your heart to God's ears....joyful.

Below I have attached the video...for anyone who needs a reminder...


Sunday, March 17, 2013

The problem with finding your spot

I've always struggled with fitting 'in'. I've always felt like I never fit in with most of my adoptive family, my biological family, my step family, in high school, heck at some jobs too. I've just always had a hard time finding my spot. Even in searching for my spot in my journey with God, I've struggled with finding exactly where/what God has asked me to be and if I'm complying with his will for my life.

I've come to a point where I have just decided to just forget trying to fit in everywhere and just make my own spot. And I'm in the point in my journey where as much as I love seeking for personal approval of most of my decisions, I'm just tired of it all. The only person I'm trying to please is God. Even denying my own personal satisfaction, is no longer relevant. I just want to do what God wants me to do, and I'm trusting that his directions will keep me content and full of zeal/passion for the desires of my heart.

I have to accept things for what they are. And I've been journaling (not on here, but a hand written journal since I've started this official journey hearing from God and taking some faith filled steps to my ultimate destiny), and what I've finally come to is that, well...I'm just gonna allow God to allow me to make my own spot to fit in. I'll try to document my journey more on here too. Never know how many other people are feeling 'left out' of their situation. Ride with me?
