Saturday, July 28, 2012

Does God answer your prayers?

This week I focused on my career and trying to hear from God. I don't think my spiritual ears have been turned on, until last night. This week I was so confused, how am I supposed to balance jobs, how is this going to work God, how can this be possible? I prayed all weekend (last weekend) for God to tell me to accept another position, I was interviewed for and approved for. The job did not make enough money for me to be able to quit my full time job however, I was asking God how, how!. But I simply did not hear from him. No one confirmed that I should take the job. No verse encouraged me to take the job. I searched for wisdom all over. Unsatisfied that nothing was turning up, I turned this over to God. I sacrificed the very thing I was desiring at the moment.

I walked into that job, shaky and nervous. Anxious since I did not hear from God, and at this point unless Jesus himself sent me a quick sign (there's still time Jesus!! I thought) it seemed like this job was not for me. But anyone who knows me, knows that saying No, is very hard for me. I take on too many jobs, opportunities, and responsibilities. But I explained to the director of the program that my mind was saying yes! But my heart was saying no for some reason.  And it was then, that I grew a little. I turned the position down. It was so hard, and it sucked. But once the words came out of my mouth, my whole body and spirit was relieved. I was actually...happy! I was happy to know that I would not be adding any additional stress on myself by trying to work a full time job, open a practice, and commit to yet another organization 3 times a week! I began thanking God, because not only did he answer me, but he is building me to make better decisions.

As I left the office, I gave my apologies to the director for wasting her time. She replied "Oh don't worry about, I'm gonna be using you, but I will let you get settled first in your practice." After all that, she still wants to use me and consider me down the line?! I was so happy and thankful.

Is God answering your prayers? Have you felt that he hasn't spoken to you about something you've prayed about? Make sure your listening, because he could very well be answering your prayers, but just not with the response your looking for.


  1. Niya! This is wonderful -- I experienced a similar situation this week, too. I have been at an organization for 3 months, and was offered a much better opportunity. I'm not one to walk away from a project so this decision was so difficult! I wanted to stay at my current organization, but it has been endless anxiety and stress. I prayed and prayed...and while it was hard to give them my 2 weeks notice, it was a learning experience I will never forget and I know God has a reason for all of this. I grew so much this week (even though it's been stressful!) and know I will be better for it in the long run. God knows what he's doing for sure!

  2. @ Kirsta - God does know what he is doing, how crazy that we really don't understand challenges until after the end when we realize...ohhh. Congrats on your new opportunity!!
